Welcome to Libraries Unlimited’s new homepage!

Bloomsbury Libraries Unlimited (formerly known as Libraries Unlimited) is the premier publisher of educational and professional resources for librarians and information services specialists.

Our line encompasses prestigious library science textbooks, information science resources, professional handbooks, and monographs, as well as manuals for library educators, graduate students, and practicing librarians.

Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2023

The Complete Guide to Open Scholarship by Victoria Martin has been announced as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2023.

The book offers librarians an authoritative overview of the full spectrum of significant issues and controversies related to open scholarship in a candid and fair-minded manner. Click here to learn more. 


Professional Development for School Librarians

Professional Development for Academic Librarians

Professional Development for Public Librarians

Contact your Campus Sales Representative

If you’d like help selecting the most appropriate textbook for your course, please contact your campus Sales Representative who will be happy to discuss your course needs and make recommendations.

If you’d be interested in finding out more about our digital resources, or requesting a trial, you can contact your area representative.


Library and Information Science Textbooks

Free US delivery on orders $35 or over