Irritability; difficulty concentrating; feeling ‘put upon’; loss of sense of humour; constant tiredness; loss of appetite; insomnia; nail biting; indigestion; food cravings; nausea.
Lots of travelling; long hours; client/customer troubles; difficult office politics; tight deadlines; cumbersome bureaucracy; making mistakes; work interfering with personal life; too many dull tasks; worries about job security; constant interruptions.
Feeling ignored; difficulty expressing opinions; feeling ‘put upon’; sense of inferiority; extreme gratefulness when your opinion is sought; sense of being out of control in meetings; trouble saying ‘no’.
18–24: You sound like you’re at the end of your tether. It’s ok – help is at hand! Deal With Stress from the Business Essentials series will show you how to take better control of your workload with the help of your team, improve morale and solve problems that have you banging your head against the wall.
12–17: You suffer from moderate levels of stress. Sometimes you may feel downtrodden; Deal With Stress contains advice on assertiveness to help combat this. You may also appreciate some advice on delegation and tips to improve your own time management.
8–11: Stress hasn’t got the better of you, which is great news! Let’s keep it that way. Deal With Stress shows you how to conduct a ‘time audit’ as a preventative measure, making you more aware of your work–life balance and helping you mitigate possible sources of stress in the future.